Select Page

Chair:                Bernard Kenny
Vice Chair:       Gillian Toole
Secretary:        Andy Ogle and Michael McDonagh
Treasurer:      Lisa Gavillet
Vice Treasurer: Jane McAdam

Directors: Bernard Kenny, Gillian Toole & Andy Ogle
Company Secretary: Andy Ogle

Members:    Kieran Ryan, Tabor House
                      Liam McNamara

LMETB Liaison: Jackie Breen
MOT LTI Liaison: Dáithí O Broin
MOT CE Scheme Liaisons: Joe Kearney
Dominic Cavalier


Would you be interested in working with our Board?

Would you be interested in becoming a member of the Board?

Please contact us HERE


To assist men and women that are in recovery from addiction by providing accredited training programmes, advice and guidance that will support them in realizing their own potential.

To enhance the sustainability of their recovery through peer support, individual learning plans, care planning and progression path planning.


To manage the organisations MOT LTI and MOT CE including the human, environmental and financial resource of the organisation.

To oversee the operational targets.

To support and manage the organisation coordinators.

To develop and implement strategies that will achieve the organizational aims and objectives.

To ensure legislation and regulatory compliance regarding funding, governance etc.

To communicate with addiction services regarding potential learners.

To manage and oversee the SOLAS funded Local Training Initiative.

To manage and oversee the DSP funded Community Education Scheme.

To review and evaluate the organizational and oversee change management where necessary